Tropical is Political: Caribbean Art Under the Visitor Economy Regime at Americas Society, New York. (Image: Arturo Sánchez)

Tropical is Political: Caribbean Art Under the Visitor Economy Regime at Americas Society, New York. (Image: Arturo Sánchez)


The New Yorker on Tropical Is Political

By Johanna Fateman

Goings on About Town featured Americas Society's current exhibition, Tropical Is Political: Caribbean Art Under the Visitor Economy Regime.

Lyricism, dread, and sharp-minded analysis are woven together in this show, subtitled “Caribbean Art Under the Visitor Economy Regime,” as nineteen artists look beyond the clichés of paradise to reveal local realities (political, economic, ecological) that the tourist industry works to conceal. The Panama-based duo Donna Conlon and Jonathan Harker literalize such coverups in their short video “Under the Rug”: a broom sweeps a handgun, plastic pool toys, and other debris beneath a too green carpet of sod, below a too blue sky. […]

Read the full article.

