
Review 59: Spanish and Latin American Writing and Arts

Essays on the Spanish influence on Latin American literature and arts.

"Rubén Dario at the Four Cats," by Alexander Coleman. Essays by Rubén Dario and Max Aub. Fiction by Enrique Vila-Matas. Poetry by Angel González, Ana María Fagundo, Pere Gimferrer. Art by Sergio Vega, José Gabriel Fernández, Cecilia Vicuña, José Alejandro Restrepo. "El Alma del Pueblo: Spanish Folk Art and its Transformation in the Americas". "Between Spain and Latin America: Some Music Paths". Latin American Literature and Soviet Readers.



For more information about past editions, contact:
Daniel Shapiro
Director of Literature and Editor of Review Magazine
(212) 249-8950 ext. 366
Fax (212) 249-5868

