
Video: Stopping Violence against Women – A Conversation with Luiza Trajano

The chairwoman of Brazilian retailer Magazine Luiza discussed how companies can be vocal about the issue of gender violence.


  • Luiza Helena Trajano, Chairwoman, Magazine Luiza 
  • Cecilia Tornaghi, Managing Editor, Americas Quarterly (moderator)

Luiza Trajano, the chairwoman of Brazilian retailer Magazine Luiza, spoke with Americas Quarterly's Cecilia Tornaghi at an AS/COA event on violence against women. "We have an obligation to act, because hate doesn't save anybody," said Trajano, speaking on the urgency to solve this issue and how companies can contribute. Amid the global pandemic, Trajano highlighted Brazil's surge in cases of violence against women, and given this social problem, she created a committee together with other collaborating groups with three objectives: "puncture the cloud" of the subject matter to increase awareness, define a five-step process for companies to create measures against gender violence, and share this guide with as many companies and organizations as possible. Addressing other major social movements from race to poverty, Trajano said she perceives that investors today are more aware of company policies related to their employees, diversity, and other social issues, and that the "profit-at-all-costs" strategy is more problematic. On the importance of company heads being vocal about the issue of gender vioelnce, Trajano said "If leaders of corporations talk, this might help, and might save one of your relatives tomorrow.
