11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

U.S. Department of State
Washington, DC


46th Annual Washington Conference on the Americas

Please make plans to join us on May 3, 2016, for the 46th Annual Washington Conference on the Americas.

11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

U.S. Department of State
Washington, DC




Please make plans to join us on May 3, 2016, for the 46th Annual Washington Conference on the Americas.

The Washington Conference on the Americas is the premier event on the region. Each year, this conference offers an excellent opportunity to hear from the most senior-level officials and engage with over 250 business and policy leaders, members of the diplomatic community, and media representatives from throughout the hemisphere.

Confirmed speakers:

  • Juan Carlos Varela, President of Panama @JC_Varela
  • John Kerry, Secretary, U.S. Department of State @JohnKerry
  • Penny Pritzker, Secretary, U.S. Department of Commerce @PennyPritzker
  • Francisco Cabrera, Minister of Production of Argentina @cabrerafran
  • Luis Carlos Villegas, Minister of Defence of Colombia @mindefensa
  • Carissa F. Etienne, Director, Pan American Health Organization @CarissaEtienne
  • Sri Mulyani Indrawati, Managing Director and Chief Operating Officer, World Bank
  • Nathan Sheets, Under Secretary for International Affairs, U.S. Department of the Treasury
  • Fernando Aportela, Under Secretary of Finance and Public Credit of Mexico @faportelar
  • Roberta Jacobson, Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs @WHAAsstSecty
  • Andrés Gluski, Chairman, Americas Society/Council of the Americas
  • Susan Segal, President and CEO, Americas Society/Council of the Americas @s_segal
  • Eric Farnsworth, Vice President, Americas Society/Council of the Americas @ericfarns



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11:00 – 12:00 p.m.  Registration

12:00 – 1:35 p.m.   Keynote Luncheon

Welcome and Introduction:

  • Eric Farnsworth, Vice President, Americas Society/Council of the Americas
  • Susan Segal, President and CEO, Americas Society/Council of the Americas
  • Roberta Jacobson, Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs

Keynote Remarks:

  • Juan Carlos Varela, President, Republic of Panama
  • Introduced by Andrés Gluski, Chairman, Americas Society/Council of the Americas

2:00 – 2:30 p.m.   Mobilizing Trade and Investment in the Hemisphere

  • Penny Pritzker, Secretary, U.S. Department of Commerce
  • Interviewed by Shawn Donnan, World Trade Editor, Financial Times

2:30 – 3:00 p.m.   Argentina's New Economic Policy

  • Francisco Cabrera, Minister of Production, Argentina
  • Interviewed by Susan Segal, President and CEO, Americas Society/Council of the Americas

3:00 – 3:30 p.m.   Forging Lasting Peace in Colombia

  • Luis Carlos Villegas, Minister of Defense, Colombia
  • Interviewed by Carolina Barco, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Colombia

3:30 – 4:00 p.m.   Networking Break

4:00 – 4:30 p.m.   Public Health and Regional Economic Development

  • Carissa Etienne, Director, Pan American Health Organization
  • Moderated by Eric Farnsworth, Vice President, Council of the Americas

4:30 – 5:45 p.m.   Assessing and Improving Financial Prospects

  • Fernando Aportela, Under Secretary of Finance and Public Credit, Mexico
  • Sri Mulyani Indrawati, Managing Director and Chief Operating Officer, World Bank
  • Nathan Sheets, Under Secretary for International Affairs, U.S. Department of Treasury
  • Moderated by John Lipsky, former First Deputy Managing Director, International Monetary fund

6:00 – 8:00 p.m.   Keynote Reception

  • John Kerry, Secretary, U.S. Department of State
  • Introduced by John Negroponte, Chairman Emeritus, Americas Society/Council of the Americas