The 2020 Capacity to Combat Corruption (CCC) Index


The 2020 Capacity to Combat Corruption Index

Now in its second edition, AS/COA and Control Risks' CCC Index explores 15 Latin American countries’ ability to uncover, punish, and prevent corruption. 

COVID-19 is posing unprecedented challenges to Latin America, including its efforts to combat corruption. All countries in the region have been forced to swiftly mobilize massive resources to fight the virus and to mitigate its economic fallout. In this environment of emergency spending, relaxed controls, and remote working, the risk of corruption and mismanagement of funds has increased.

Against this backdrop, AS/COA and Control Risks are launching the second edition of the Capacity to Combat Corruption (CCC) Index. The index was launched in 2019 to assess Latin American countries’ ability to uncover, punish, and prevent corruption. The second edition of the CCC Index covers 15 Latin American countries—seven more than last year’s.

Rather than measuring perceived levels of corruption, the CCC Index evaluates and ranks countries based on how effectively they are able to combat corruption. Countries with a higher score are deemed more likely to see corrupt actors prosecuted and punished.

The ranking is:

  • Uruguay (7.78 out of 10)
  • Chile (6.57)
  • Costa Rica (6.43)
  • Brazil (5.52)
  • Peru (5.47)
  • Argentina (5.32)
  • Colombia (5.18)
  • Mexico (4.55)
  • Ecuador (4.19)
  • Panama (4.17)
  • Guatemala (4.04)
  • Paraguay (3.88)
  • Dominican Republic (3.26)
  • Bolivia (2.71)
  • Venezuela (1.52)

The CCC Index looks at 14 key variables, including the independence of judicial institutions, the strength of investigative journalism, and the level of resources available for combating white-collar crime. These variables are divided in three sub-categories: legal capacity, democracy and political institutions, and civil society, media, and the private sector. Countries’ overall scores are a weighted aggregate of these three sub-categories.

The index relies on extensive data and on a proprietary survey conducted among leading anti-corruption experts from Control Risks, academia, civil society, media, and the private sector.

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