
Now What? Building Back after Covid

Business as usual won't do, said Carlos Felipe Jaramillo of the World Bank. The region must emerge more dynamic, more inclusive, and greener.

“It’s really not going back to where we were before the pandemic,” said Carlos Felipe Jaramillo. “I think the important thing is to move forward and think how Latin America can really unlock its much stronger potential.” The World Bank vice president of Latin American and the Caribbean presented on the regional indicators affected by COVID-19, while outlining a new course for improved growth that is more dynamic, more inclusive, and greener. Education and human capital are of particular concern, said Jaramillo, who notes that students have lost a year of schooling and the gap between the top quintile of students and the bottom one is growing wider. Jaramillo also discussed unleashing the private sector's potential, incorporating the region into the global supply chain, and restructuring debt as governments spend more to speed up the recovery and address structural issues.

Download Jaramillo’s presentation.
