Jonathan C. Hamilton

Partner, White & Case LLP

Jonathan C. Hamilton is a global leader in international dispute resolution and investment and longstanding Partner of global law firm of White & Case.

Mr. Hamilton is also a professor and seasoned thought leader who serves as the Distinguished Faculty Chair of the International Arbitration Institute at the University of Miami School of Law. His publications include a book on investment protections and numerous articles and chapters on globalization, investment, procedure, policy, and public affairs. He has spoken at major conferences worldwide and major universities such as Berkeley, Columbia, Georgetown, Harvard, Oxford, Penn, Virginia and Yale.

Mr. Hamilton commenced his career with the Firm in the New York City office and also was based in the Mexico City office before settling in Washington. He holds a J.D. from the University of Virginia School of Law, where he was Editor-in-Chief of the Virginia Journal of International Law; an M.A. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where he completed a thesis project researched on the ground in Belarus and Russia at the end of the Cold War; a B.A. from Brandeis University, where he completed a history project focused on civil rights; and studied abroad at Oxford University as an undergraduate. He has additional experience as a federal law clerk, a foreign associate with a major firm in Peru, a research assistant to legal fiction author John Grisham, and in the fields of public policy, press, and philanthropy.