11:00 am to 12:00 pm ET

(Image: Government of Uruguay)
Uruguay 2024 Elections Outlook
The Council of the Americas will hold a private discussion on the October 27 general elections in Uruguay.
Uruguayans will vote in presidential elections on October 27. Polls suggest that the contest is between Yamandú Orsi of the Broad Front, Álvaro Delgado of the National Party, and Andrés Ojeda of the Colorado Party, all selected in June primaries.
As the nation prepares for this pivotal moment, this expert discussion on Zoom will offer a platform to better understand the potential priorities of Uruguay’s next administration, focusing on anticipated policies in trade, regulatory environments, and macroeconomic policy.
- Diego W. Pereira-Garmendia, Chief Economist for Southern Cone & Peru, JP Morgan
- Samar Maziad, Vice President-Senior Analyst, Moody's
- Nicolás Saldías, Senior Analyst for Latin America and the Caribbean, The Economist Intelligence Unit
Registration: dcprograms@as-coa.org