8:15 to 9:30 am ET

Casa Rosada. (Image: Pixabay)

Cafecito with Marcelo Gilardoni, Consul General of Argentina in Miami
In Miami, Council of the Americas will host a private conversation with the diplomat to discuss Argentina's new political and economic landscape.
AS/COA Miami will host a private cafecito featuring Marcelo Gilardoni, consul general of Argentina to the United States.
At the event, Consul Gilardoni will offer insights into Argentina's new political and economic landscape, new investment regulations, and its relationship with neighboring countries.
Registration: Members can RSVP to Andres Riebman at rsvpmiami@as-coa.org
Program Information: Lorrane Campos at lcampos@as-coa.org
Sponsorship Opportunities: Cyndi Balladares at cballadares@as-coa.org