2013 Argentina Blog: Governors of Buenos Aires, Chaco, Santa Fe


During the second session, the three governors discussed their methods to achieve economic growth and ways to increase productivity and competitiveness.

Daniel Scioli, Governor of Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires province produces 40 percent of Argentina’s GDP, Scioli noted. The governor said that his aim is to further integrate public and private investment, and to better integrate the city to the country. In turn, this can result in more productivity and competitiveness for the province.

To do so, Scioli proposed investing in human resources and strengthening the “golden triangle of growth,” composed of universities, the state, and manufacturing. Additionally, the financial sector is important in helping facilitate the manufacturing sector. To this end, the state is developing a “vigorous internal market” and fomenting capacity to increase production, he said.

Another provincial challenge is geography. In this province, 70 percent of people live in 2 percent of the territory. The government is remedying this by developing industry across the entire province. Furthermore, the provincial government is playing its part in moving forward local industry by bringing “more of the province to the world and more of the world to the province.”

His priority as governor, said Scioli, is to continue to help his province grow economically.

Jorge Capitanich, Governor of Chaco

The country, said Capitanich, needs long-term policies for sustaining growth, especially in the face on global economic deflation.

Brazil's national development bank is investing in the Chaco, he said. This will play into the Norte Grande, or Big North plan, to grow investment in the Chaco with the aid of international financing for industry, schooling, and internet connectivity. The provincial government is also exploring the possibility of converting the province into a train and truck logistics hub.

To this end, nearly $18 billion will be invested over the next five years, mainly on infrastructure, he said. The governor also wants to develop the Chacos’ potential as part of the Axis of Capricorn, the transpacific belt spanning across southern Brazil, northern Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay, and the north of Chile. However, to do this infrastructure development must reduce systemic shortcomings, which, in turn, will increase productivity, competitiveness, and formal employment.

Growth in Argentina needs to be solid, sustainable, and long term, said Capitanich, adding that everyone in the country needs to come together to make this happen.

Antonio Bonfatti, Governor of Santa Fe

What challenges hamper growth in a country so rich in natural and human resources? Bonfatti answered this question by giving a presentation on what he believed were necessary political and social values to bring about growth and development using equilateral triangles to illustrate points. These triangles are models and suggestions for social and economic development.

The first equal-sided triangle was the triangle of ethical political values. It pointed to transparency, honesty, and solidarity towards the common good. The second triangle illustrated the "objective image of the great vision." Justice, social inclusion, and economic development were its three points.

The third triangle focused on government management. Here, programming budgets, financing, and regional and inclusive strategic planning were highlighted. The concluding triangle was the triangle of public investment and social spending, a combination of the state, society, and suppliers.

Watch the video of the governors of Buenos Aires, Chaco, and Santa Fe: