
Fact Sheet: TPP Will Boost the U.S. Economy and Deepen U.S. Strategic Engagement

The Trans-Pacific Partnership wil increase U.S. real income, U.S. gross domestic product, U.S. employment, and U.S. capital stock.

This fact sheet illustrates why the Trans-Pacific Partnership is a good deal for the American economy: it is forecast to increase U.S. real income, U.S. gross domestic product, U.S. employment, and U.S. capital stock; it is predicted to create a greater output in the services sector; and it will cover 21st-century provisions like e-commerce, state-owned enterprises and intellectual property—standards for which are not as strongly codified, if at all, in previous free trade agreements. Conversely, this fact sheet depicts the risks that will befall the United States if Congress fails to ratify or delays passage of the TPP. 




For more information on the Trade Advisory Group, please contact COA Director of Government Relations Kezia McKeague at

Design by Virginia Mattingly. 

