AS/COA provides updates, analysis, primary sources, and multimedia on the push for immigration reform in the United States.

(AP Images)

Guide: U.S. Immigration Reform


With comprehensive immigration reform proposals announced by the president and leading senators in January, immigration has become an important part of the U.S. legislative agenda. AS/COA Online provides an overview of the latest immigration proposals, as well as analysis and multimedia relating to immigration reform.

Since 2007, AS/COA has actively worked to strengthen immigrant integration and highlight the economic importance of achieving immigration reform. Forward momentum is now increasingly apparent. "The tenor of the immigration debate has changed substantially since the last attempt at comprehensive reform in 2007," notes AS/COA Director of Policy Jason Marczak. "The announcement of a set of bipartisan principles gives great hope that 2013 will be the year for reforming our immigration system so that we can continue to attract the workers who will be increasingly fundamental to our global competitiveness while at the same time providing a path toward authorized status for undocumented immigrants. Increasingly, immigration reform is not a Democrat or Republican issue but an American issue."



See coverage, analysis, and useful resources related to the immigration reform process:

  • The Americas Quarterly blog looks at up-to-date movements in the immigration reform debate.
  • Fronteras Desk analyzes the latest immigration reform proposals, including perspectives from those living on the U.S.-Mexico border and reactions from immigration activist groups. 
  • LatinoDecisions has opinion surveys on Latino attitudes toward immigration reform.
  • Pew Hispanic Center provides opinion polls on immigration, analysis on the impact of immigration policies, and studies on the number of undocumented immigrants living in the United States.
  • Immigration Policy released a report on January 31 on the potential economic and social impacts of legalizing undocumented immigrants.
  • The Univision News Tumblr has the latest developments on the immigration reform debate and the impact of immigration policies.
  • Huff Post Immigrants is a section of the online hub devoted to news on immigration reform and immigrants living in the United States.
  • ABC News/Univision has a glossary to immigration reform terms, ranging from E-Verify to STEM visas.
  • Voxxi has news and analysis on immigration reform, as well as the latest on Obama’s deferred action policy.
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