Mexico 2013 Blog: Panel - Mexico as a Global Leader


In a panel moderated by COMEXI President Dr. Jaime Zabludovsky, Amassador of Singapore to the U.S. Ashok Mirpuri, CCE President Gerardo Gutierrez, and Bolsa Mexicana de Valores President Luis Tellez shared their opinions on Mexico's role on the global stage.

In a panel moderated by COMEXI President Dr. Jaime Zabludovsky, Amassador of Singapore to the U.S. Ashok Mirpuri, CCE President Gerardo Gutierrez, and Bolsa Mexicana de Valores President Luis Tellez shared their opinions on Mexico's role on the global stage, particularly early in a new presidential administration. They focused on topics such as trade ties, how to increase global integration, and what Mexico can do to extend its international leadership. 

The ambassador provided his perspective on Asia, noting that Latin America and Asia look to the United States and the EU as engines of growth, but the time has come to look toward each other. He emphasized that a global perspective is at the root of growth, pointing out that Singapore could have focused on regional commodities but instead focused on the global scene. When asked about the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), particularly the inclusion of Japan in negotiations, Mirpuri stated that the earlier a country joins the pact, the easier it becomes to make the necessary internal changes to meet the TPP rules.

Speaking on the topic of Asia-Latin America integration, Tellez made the case that doing business is much easier in the Pacific basin than in the Atlantic one. On the subject of Mexican growth, he responded to a question on anticipation about Mexico and the new government by saying:

Gutierrez commented on the Pacto por Mexico, and what role it would play in advancing Mexico's global leadership, saying that aside from macroeconomic conditions, actual and future reforms would help strengthen Mexico against crisis. But he also urged for civil society and the private sector and the private sector in the Pacto por Mexico.

Watch the panel (Starts at 53 minutes):