
Central America Must Make Nice With Trump Administration

By Tim Rogers

"Real economic growth and sustainable development will require a more fully integrated region up and down the isthmus," underlined AS/COA’s Eric Farnsworth.

For the past five months, Central American leaders have been trying to figure out what to make of Donald Trump and his administration.

On Thursday, they get a chance for a close-up look. The U.S. government in partnership with Mexico is hosting a two-day Conference in Miami on Prosperity and Security in Central America. The summit will bring together the presidents of the "Northern Triangle" countries of Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, plus foreign ministers and business leaders from the southern half of Central America…

..."There is no doubt the security issues in the Northern Triangle are more intense and will remain so for the foreseeable future," says Eric Farnsworth, of the Council of the Americas and the Americas Society. "But real economic growth and sustainable development will require a more fully integrated region up and down the isthmus so someone is going to have to find a way to cut this particular Gordian knot...."

Read the full article here.

